Hong Wang(王红)


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Personal Info

I am currently an Professor in School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong Normal University(山东师范大学). I obtained my BA and MA degree in 1984 and 1991 from Tianjin University, under the supervision of Prof. Zhongshan Wei. I then joined Shandong Normal University in February, 1991. I obtained my PHD degree in 2002 from the Computing Institute of the Chinese Academy. I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Postdoctoral Station of Shandong University, in 2009. My current research interests include machine learning, data mining, bioinformatics and social computing.

Research Interests

  1. Multimodal Heterogeneous Network Learning
  2. Medical and Health Big Data
  3. Interpretable AI
  4. Personalized Recommendation


Selected Publications

  1. Weihua Yuan, Hong Wang*, Xiaomei Yu, Nan Liu, Zhenghao Li, Attention-based context-aware sequential recommendation model, INFORMATION SCIENCES, 510, 2020, pp.122-134.
  2. Rui Liu, Hong Wang*, Xiaomei Yu, Shared-nearest-neighbor-based clustering by fast search and find of density peaks, INFORMATION SCIENCES, 450, 2018, 200-226.
  3. Baofang Hu, Hong Wang*, Zhenmei Yu, Drug Side-Effect Prediction Via Random Walk on the Signed Heterogeneous Drug Network, Molecules, 24, 2019, 3668-3683.
  4. Baofang Hu, Hong Wang*, Xiaomei Yu, Weihua Yuan, Tianwen He, Sparse network embedding for community detection and sign prediction in signed social networks,JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING, 10(1), 2019, 175-186.
  5. Hong Wang*, Yong-qiang SONG, Lu-tong WANG, Xiao-hong HU, Memory Model for Web Ad Effect Based on Multi-modal Features, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 71(1), 2020, 29-42.
  6. Youli Fang, Hong Wang*, Lili Zhao, Fengping Yu, Caiyu Wang, Dynamic Knowledge Graph-based Fake-Review Detection, Applied Intelligence, 50, 2020, 4281-4295.
  7. Hui Zhuang, Jiancong Cui, Taoran Liu, Hong Wang*, A physical model inspired density peak clustering, PLOS ONE, 2020.09, 1-27.
  8. Caiyu Wang, Hong Wang*, Hui Zhuang, Wei Li, Shu Han, Hui Zhang, Luhe Zhuang, Chinese medical named entity recognition based on multi-granularity semantic dictionary and multimodal tree, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2020.09,1-18.
  9. Yongqiang Song, Hong Wang*, Changyong Zhang, Lutong Wang, Impression space model for the evaluation of Internet advertising effectiveness, Concurrency Computation, 32(11), 2020, 1-14.
  10. Jiancong Cui, Hui Zhuang, Taoran Liu, Hong Wang*, Semi-Supervised Gated Spectral Convolution on a Directed Signed Network, IEEE Access, 8, 2020, 49705-49716.
  11. Qian Wang, Hong Wang*, Lutong Wang, Fengping Yu, Diagnosis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Based on Transfer Learning, IEEE Access, 8, 2020, 47370-48383.
  12. Youli Fang, Hong Wang*, Lutong Wang, Ruitong Di, Yongqiang Song, Feature-maximum-dependency-based fusion diagnosis method for COPD, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 3, 2019, 1-18.
  13. Yu Xiaomei, Hong Wang*,Effective Algorithms for Vertical Mining Probabilistic Frequent Patterns in Uncertain Mobile Environments,Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2016, 23(3/4), 137-151.
  14. Hong Wang*, Ying Zhou, Fengping Yu, Lili Zhao, Caiyu Wang, Yanju Ren, Fusional Recognition for Depressive Tendency With Multi-Modal Feature, IEEE Access, 7, 2019, 38702-38713.